Sometimes we are overwhelmed with the worries and cares of life and the feeling not being good enough or not being accepted or maybe not being in control.  But that is just a lie from Satan.  The Lord knew us and had a plan for our lives before we were ever born, even when we were still in our mother’s womb.  And that is just what Satan wants us to do, to fear, to be afraid, and not to be all that God wants us to be.                                                                          

The definition of fear is a “strong, unpleasant emotion caused by expectation or awareness of danger.”  If we, are truly a child of God we should never fear because we know that He  has our best interest in mind.  He knows our future and knows our every need, and we know that He  is faithful to meet our every need because He  knows the very cry of our hearts.

The Bible tells us in Psalms the 23rd chapter not to fear.  It tells us that He is our provider.  And in the mist of adversity He still gives us peace, free from all fear.  “He restores my soul” means He re-energizes our soul through his power and grace as long as we are obedient to His voice and not the enemy.  In times of danger, difficulty or maybe the loss of a loved one, He is with us.  “Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”  The rod is a weapon of defense or discipline, symbolizing God’s strength and power.  The staff is to lead us in the right way and to rescue us from trouble.  God’s rod and staff reassure us of his love and guidance in our lives.  “He prepares a table before me in the presents of our enemies,” means He provides for our every need even though Satan is there to try and destroy.  He can only take what we allow him to have.  “He anoints my head with oil” represents God’s special favor and blessing through the Holy Spirit upon our minds, body and spirit.  “His cup is an abundant drink, where we can drink freely.  So surely goodness and mercy shall follow.”  Mercy means God’s faithful love and kindness.  No matter what happens in life we know that we can depend on God to take care of us.  Romans chapter 8 verse 28 tells us that “all things work together for good to them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose.”

So when Satan comes knocking at your door, like we know He will, stand on God’s Word.  James chapter 4 verse 7 says, “Submit yourselves, therefore, to God.  Resist the devil, and He will flee from you.”  I know it works.  I’ve had to do it many times in my life.  I used to fear everything.  I was so bound by fear that it was unreal.  I never wanted to be part of any thing because I never thought I was good enough.  Maybe I didn’t know my Bible as well as Sis. So and So or I could never be as good with words as she was, or I could never stand up in front of a crowd and talk like he or she could.  Well guess what? That is a lie from the pit of hell.

My husband and I starting working with youth at the church we were attending and did so for a few years.  If that wont take the fear out of you, then I don’t know what will!  Because when it comes to youth, you have to be prepared at all times.  They’re looking for something real.  Believe me they will definitely know if you are not prepared or not staying in Word like you should.  My husband is very anointed in the area of outreach and activities, but God has chosen to anoint me in the area of teaching and counseling.  And believe me the first time I stood up in the front of those youth I was scared to death but I had to do it by faith, and He was faithful to His Word.  He brought me through it with flying colors.  Even I was impressed.

So if you are battling with fear and not feeling worthy or qualified, I encourage you to get involved in some type of ministry.  Just do it by faith.  I did it.  And it works.  We just have to learn how to put our trust in Jesus.  He is our provider not our devourer.  He is our Prince of Peace.  So as Christians we need to start acting like it, and stop worrying and fearing about what tomorrow holds and believe and trust in God.

Darla Green , February 2001


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